Anna Hylander and Fatima Bremmer was introduced to each other by Ester Blenda Nordström. Anna started the work with her documentary back in 2013, a year later Fatima decided to write her biography. As soon as Fatima found out about Anna´s up coming movie they decided to meet up. They kept on working separately on their different projects, knowing they shared a common picture of who Ester Blenda Nordström was and convinced their two works would complement each other. As the work went on they decided to share research. In 2016 the documentary premiered and a year later the biography was released. Since then Anna and Fatima have a close relationship working with the exhibition and other things concerning Ester Blenda Nordström.

FATIMA BREMMER works as a journalist and author. Since the release of her prize-winning story Life in every breath, Fatima has been traveling around in Sweden to speak about the curious life of Ester Blenda Nordström the daring adventurer who travelled the world a pioneered investigative journalism.

Fatima who has always been interested in women’s history previously published an amazing exposé on the Swedish housewife. The book, Generation Housewife is a portrait of the 20th century heroine who raised an entire nation. The book was published in Sweden in 2011 and later reissued in 2019 due to the popularity of the authors works. 

Fatimas next biography Ligan: Klarakvarterens blodsystrar (April 2025) is about an infamous league of women in Stockholm at the beginning of last century. They dared to challenge the rules of their time to win freedom for women generations to come. Ester Blenda Nordström is one of them.

Photo: Helén Karlsson

ANNA HYLANDER is a film director and scriptwriter with a long career and a profound experience in directing drama and documentary as well as producing television. Anna has a bachelor degree in filmdirecting from the Filmschool of Gothenburg University (HDK Valand) and has studied scriptwriting at Stockholm University of the Arts.

After graduating in 2001 Anna made several shorts, for example Roofies which won the price for best novella film at Gothenburg Filmfestival and directed the television dramaseries Smiling Brown Eyes which became a huge success in Sweden and nominated for Prix Italia, Prix Europa and Kristallen Award. After that Anna moved on to producing television for children and youths for Swedish Public Service.

In 2013 Anna decided to tell the story about the life of the unknown Ester Blenda Nordström, Annas own great grandmother’s sister. The feature length documentary premiered in 2016 and has been shown at cinemas around Sweden and broadcasted several times on SVT, Swedish national television. Anna has also directed the documentaries Dracula back stage and Stridsbergland, the later about the internationally acclaimed Swedish author Sara Stridsberg.

2023 Anna participated in Nordic Script Lab (Nordisk film og TV-fond).

Anna is now focusing on scriptwriting and develops feature films and dramaseries.

Photo: Anna Hylander
